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Catching up in cyberspace

December 3, 2006

Good start to the weekend: my daughter is back from uni for six weeks. yay! Never mind the fact that I can’t get to the foot of the stairs for bags, books and general junk or that the bathroom is overflowing with dirty clothes. I am delighted to have her back. We all went Christmas shopping at Touchwood yesterday and returned, knackered but laden with pressies. I think we have nearly done.

Two other good things happened yesterday. I caught up with two writer friends who I haven’t heard from in a while. One is Barbara Hannay, who writes gorgeous, tender, sexy romances for Harlequin. They are set in Australia where she lives, and they were some of the first romances I read when I decided I wanted to write in this genre. Her outback and city heroes are ‘real men’ and I’ll never forget the wonderful Reid McKinnon. Will I, Barb? 🙂 Barbara blogged about Decent Exposure which is really sweet of her.
Also I heard from Judy Jarvie who has had the happy news that she’s expecting a baby. Jude’s well on her way having her first romance published too…

And finally, out of the blue, I ‘met up’ cyber-wise with Louise Allen, the author of Historical and contemporary romance. Thanks Louise for you-know-what and enjoy that Vesuvian moment I know you’re planning right now.

Posted by Phillipa @ 5:46 am | Leave a Comment


  1. Michelle Says:

    Enjoy the time with your daughter! 🙂

  2. Rosy Thornton Says:

    Glad Charlotte survived her first term!!

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