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Satirical Heroes

December 7, 2006

I am really excited because I am off to see Mitchell & Webb Live tonight with my student daughter. These young comedians/actors came up through the Cambridge University Footlights and Radio Four and now have a BBC 2 show. Hard to describe what they are: satirical, barmy, hilariously observant and just plain fun. They have a madcap cast of characters, rather like Little Britain but without the gross-out factor and IMHO, they are far wittier. They are also quite cute, in a v. British way. Watch them with a well-developed sense of irony.

When I was a teenager, post Not The Nine o’clock News, I used to think I’d love to write comedy and satire. I feel that kind of moment coming on now. A satirical romance would be fun. In fact, a lot of my writing starts out gently taking the p*** then turns serious, often against my will. Can you have a satirical romance? Wendy Holden anyone? Jenny Colgan? Un petit peu de Rosy Thornton?
Anyway here are the boys

Posted by Phillipa @ 8:46 am | Leave a Comment

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