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New Pippa Croft novella out today!

March 28, 2017

Good morning! For those of you who enjoyed my Pippa Croft Oxford Blue series and were keen to know the rest of Alexander and Lauren’s story – the final novella is out *today*. It’s called Fourth Time Forever and you can it as an ebook from any online store – Amazon UK, Amazon US, Amazon Italy, Kobo, Itunes and Nook!

Here’s the blurb:

For everyone who wishes things had ended differently… Pippa Croft is back with an uplifting new novella that concludes the Oxford Blue series.

‘You know what my biggest regret is? I never said I loved him.’
Nine months after senator’s daughter, Lauren Cusack, and aristocrat, Alexander Hunt, went their separate ways in Washington DC, the star-crossed pair are finally back on the same continent – though anything but a couple.
After failing to get the gorgeous but tormented Alexander out of her system, Lauren in is Paris trying to figure out what he meant in a mysterious call made a few weeks before he headed off on a secret mission. Could he actually have been about to propose?
But Alexander hasn’t been in contact since and she has no idea where he is or if he’s even alive. Then a phone call from his sister, Emma, begging Lauren to return to Falconbury, changes everything. Against her better judgement, Lauren agrees but there’s a big problem. It turns out Alexander doesn’t want Lauren on his estate or in his life ever again.
Is their relationship worth one last try? Alexander is adamant that Lauren should abandon all hope but she isn’t ready to give up on him yet.
One thing is certain. It’s going to take every ounce of Lauren’s strength and commitment if they’re ever to make the fourth time forever.

Fans of hot and New Adult romance won’t be able to get enough of Pippa Croft’s Oxford Blue romance series. Lauren and Alexander’s journey begins in The First Time We Met, and follows on in the brilliant sequel, The Second Time I Saw You and Third Time Lucky, which are both available as Penguin ebooks and in paperback.

More details are on my Pippa Croft page. 🙂 https://www.facebook.com/Pippa-Croft-202374169948664

Phillipa x

Posted by Phillipa @ 3:41 am | Leave a Comment


  1. Darren Keane Storm Says:

    I have been waiting for the finale of The Oxford Blue series for years and I know many of you have too. Alexander and Lauren’s story has been been fraught with challenges, both from themselves and outside forces. However that thing that kept drawing them back together time after time held, and once again Alexander and Lauren are fighting for each other and a future with each other. And the wait was so worth it!

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