More news than you can shake a stick at
December 2, 2013

Reindeer at Keswick Christmas Fair.
So much news – so little time…
I’m writing this post while checking no one from the publisher is looking over my shoulder because I have so much on at the moment, I don’t know what to do first!
Ok. I do know what to do first – and that’s carry on writing the second book in my new Pippa Croft romance series. The first book – titled The First Time We Met (see that.. ‘First’… we don’t just make these things up you know…) is done and dusted and I’m expecting copy edits back any moment.
Last Thursday I went to Penguin Towers in London where my ed and the publishing director made my whole week by unveiling the cover. I know it’s my cover and my ‘baby’ but I almost blubbed in the middle of the meeting because it is truly beautiful!
I’m hoping to share soon, with revised dates for the ebook launch which is coming out several months before print is scheduled. It will be very early Spring so watch this space.
Meanwhile, please do follow me @PippaCroftBooks on Twitter.
And: Christmas is approaching at a scary pace. This weekend we spent in the Lake District, visiting the Christmas Fairs in Hawkshead and Keswick. Hawkshead (where Wordsworth went to school) had a lantern parade around its tiny cobbled streets while Keswick had a visit from real reindeer. I finally feel festive, and came back with lots of goodies and gifts.
Hope to be back before Christmas with a cover and links.