The glamour of Publication Day
October 9, 2014

My glamorous Publication day breakfast.
Well, today’s the day – publication day for Third Time Lucky. The whole Oxford Blue series is now out in ebook.
What am I expecting? The postman won’t be able to get down the driveway, naturally, because of all the bouquets, bottles of champagne and cards. And I’ll be so busy, getting a mani-pedi, hair do and make-up for when my publisher sends a limo to whisk me off to London for my TV interview.
Er. Not quite! The reality is I treated myself to a cup of tea and a Buck’s Fizz without the fizz… see above. 🙂

I even made my own tea as Mr B had to rush out to his real job.
But no complaints. Today is still very exciting – it’s the culmination of 18 months of work, long days spent alone, making stuff up basically and then rewiting it all.
And I did have a wonderful bouquet from Penguin when the first book came out, and cards, chocolates and a lovely cake from a book blogger friends and family
As for today? I’m off to the pub with my author mates at lunchtime, then Mr B and I will be sharing a bottle of champagne this evening.
Best of all, my daughter’s coming home for the weekend and we’re all going out to dinner to mark the occasion.
And of course, I’ll be around on Twitter and Facebook all day – so come and say hello!
I am, of course, very grateful for any reviews on Amazon, Goodreads ratings, Likes of reviews on said sites – they really DO make a difference and they make me smile so THANK YOU for joining me on my journey over the past year. I’ll probably drive you all every madder for the next few weeks… let’s get this party started (with lunch at the pub!)
PS My blog tour starts with Brook Cottage Books next week – more on that later.