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The joy of being a BookBub special offer

October 24, 2014

Trust me, even the most dramatic plot can never match up to the rollercoaster ride that is publishing.

Last night, I had the most unexpected but fantastic surprise when I went on Twitter to find:

1. The First Time We Met is on special offer at $1.99 across Amazon US, Barnes & Noble Nook and other sites, and

2. It had been selected by the recommendation site, BookBub, and emailed to zillions of romance readers in the US.

The result is that this morning it was 683 in the US Kindle charts and an Amazon Romantic Erotica best-seller.

And then my agent called with some even more good news that I’d hoped for but definitely wasn’t counting on. 🙂

It had been a frankly gloomy week on all fronts but now it’s going to be a very sunny Friday and I’m looking forward to seeing a friend for a birthday coffee (hers, not mine) and othe friends for lunch.

You know what, I’m going to celebrate, not with champagne, but with a photo of my latest crush, hunky Captain James from the BBC series Our Girl!

Have a great weekend y’all!

ben aldridge

Posted by Phillipa @ 4:29 am | Leave a Comment

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