April 10, 2014
Yes, two posts in one day from me and they’re both about reviews!
I have to post because I almost forgot to say that I’ve had a four star review from Chloe’s Chick Lit Reviews, and knowing that Chloe is honest with her views, I’m doing a happy dance that she loved The First Time We Met. I haven’t posted it yet because it appearaed on march 30th and since then I’ve been away for a long break in Cornwall to celebrate my wedding anniversary. Bliss.
Here’s a short extract – but for the full review, please click HERE.
The story was very readable, I wanted to keep reading and find out what was going to happen next and if Lauren and Alexander would get their happy-ever-after! Croft’s writing is easy to read, it really immerses you in the story, and I’m certainly looking forward to the second book in the series. With a great setting, fantastic characters and a passionate love story, The First Time We Met is a great read in the New Adult genre, and one I definitely recommend.
Thank you Chloe, I really appreciate you taking the time to read and feature my book on your fantastic blog.
Posted by Phillipa @ 10:06 am |
April 10, 2014
In between proofreading The Second Time I Saw You and writing more rude bits for Third Time Lucky, I ventured onto a BIG review site this morning to see the latest reaction to The First Time We Met. I try not to go there, as a rule, but I’m only human. To be fair, the reviews so far have been very positive.
I’m frequently surprised by the things people see in your work: occasionally, you’ll get a review that is so spot on what you were thinking yourself that you actually weep. Once in a while, you wonder if the person has actually read your book or got it confused with a car maintenance manual. Mostly, though, I find readers highlight aspects that you didn’t know was there.
So, this morning, I came across a review that made me smile and then think – wait because one of the phrases stood out for me.
I kinda loved it. Made me giggle, but I definitely would not read this out in public. A bit rude!!
It definitely has a lot of sex in it; because Alexander and Lauren are young, fit and passionately in love with each other (even though neither of them wants to admit it!)
Thing is, while the series is red hot and sexy, I wouldn’t actually say it’s erotic… and it definitely isn’t kinky (although I have no objection to kinky books, it isn’t 50 Shades of Grey)
My conclusion is that the series probably isn’t quite rude enough, so maybe I’d better fix that in Book 3. I say this tongue in cheek, of course, because actually, I think my books are exactly rude enough for the characters. I try hard to make them as sexy as the tone and development demands. The sex scenes are, I hope, in keeping with what Alexander and Lauren want and need. If I made them any hotter – or any less spicy – then it wouldn’t be their story any more, it would be mine or an editor’s.
What do you think?
Back to the Rudeness!
Posted by Phillipa @ 5:00 am |
March 27, 2014

The proofs of The Second Time I Saw You were delivered by courier this morning – so exciting to see them on paper. I also heard that The First Time We Met is scheduled for a definite October 9th release date in paperback and it’s obviously already available in e book form.
I won’t actually believe my book is in print until I hold it in my hand but it’s looking very promising. Squee!
I also think I’ve accepted the fact that my days of blogging once a week are over and I’ll always be ‘dashing by’ to post random stuff about the books. However, no excuses for posting photographic evidence that book #2 in the Oxford Blue series is (almost) done. After I’ve read it through, it goes off for a final proof read and thence to the e book production team at Penguin.
You might just be able to read the first page here…

Posted by Phillipa @ 11:57 am |
February 26, 2014
So, here they are: the complete set of covers for the Oxford Blue series!

Posted by Phillipa @ 8:12 am |
February 25, 2014

View over seafront at Aberystwyth, now well on way to recovery after winter storms.
I took part in the Publishing Industry Event at Aberystwyth University yesterday, along with a literary agent, publisher and two former students who have writing related careers. The room was packed with Creative Writing and English Lit students and as I ran out of my handout on How to Be A Published Novelist, I’m posting it here on the blog:
by Phillipa Ashley/Pippa Croft
Even if you get a publishing deal, an author’s life is financially precarious for all but a tiny few, so assume you will need another source of income, either from a writing-related job or a totally different career. Having another job will give you vital life experiences and inspiration – so meet people, do things, go places and get out there!
Read, read everything – popular fiction, literary fiction, classics, non-fiction, newspapers, magazines – and keep an open mind about all the things you read. Everything informs your writing life, develops your voice, helps you to see what the market is like and what you actually might like to write. Above all, write what you enjoy writing, not what you think you ‘ought’ to write.
Write. That may seem obvious but Just Do It. Write every day if you can – even if it’s only a few words – try different projects, experiment. Write even if you think your work is rubbish; all writers think that at some point. A successful writer also knows s/he’s going to rewrite. The magic happens in the rewriting/editing process.
Finishing a book is only part of the story; you need to decide how it will reach an audience. You’ll need energy, professionalism and courage to approach agents and publishers and market your work.
Develop a thick skin; learn to deal with knockbacks, book snobbery and self-doubt and Keep on Writing.
Posted by Phillipa @ 9:59 am |