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Preparing for The Festival of Romance – this Saturday

November 5, 2013

festival logo

Hurrah! It’s almost Festival of Romance Time – I’ve got my Awards Ball dress(es), booked a hair/nails etc pampering session to try and make myself presentable and persuaded Mr Bennet, my OH, to keep me company for the weekend.

If you live in or near Bedford, do come along. There is a fantastic programme of romantic literature themed events starting on November 8th (Friday) evening and continuing until November 10th (Sunday) afternoon.

The Festival is for readers, writers and publishing people. If you want to meet some of your favourite romance and women’s fiction authors, get books signed for Xmas gifts, find out how to get your own work published – or just pick up some writing tips – then book your ticket HERE now because some of the events are selling out.

There are also many free events, taking place all over Bedford town centre and I’ll be at:

10.30am – I’m taking part in the Coffee & Cake morning at The Lane and reading from It Happened One Night which has been shortlisted for Reader Award for Best Ebook.

1pm – Authors Q&A session with 2012 Festival award winners Rowan Coleman, Christina Courtena, Nicola May and Fiona Harper

So, now I’m off out for a run – in the rain – not linked at all to the party frock, of course…

Posted by Phillipa @ 6:47 am | Comments are off

My big news at last – signed with Penguin Books – updated!

October 29, 2013

penguin mug

So… deep breath, I can finally share the news that I have signed a three-book deal with Penguin Books! They’re all romances and the first books is called The First Time We Met.

My pen name for the books is Pippa Croft – more on her later! – please follow me on Twitter @PippaCroftBooks for the latest news.

I’ve known about the deal for a couple of months but back in the late spring, I was biting my nails to the quick, waiting to hear if it would happen… and what did I find in the back of the kitchen cupboard but this mug, which I’d bought as a Christmas gift for someone else and forgotten all about. Was it going to be a sign…or the ultimate irony?

Fortunately, I didn’t have to throw the mug against a wall. 🙂

I’ll have more news as soon as I can. 🙂

Posted by Phillipa @ 9:37 am | 6 Comments

Shortlisted for Best e book at Festival of Romance!

October 21, 2013

festival logo

So there I was yesterday afternoon, dozing gently in front of Ronnie Corbett’s ‘Animal Crackers’ (this is the exciting way I spent my Sunday afternoon) when my iPad mini pinged to say I had an email.

It was from a friend to tell me that It Happened One Night had been shortlisted for a Reader Award for Best Romantic Ebook.

Cue hoots of delight – and the realisation that I should book a ticket for the Awards Ball on November 9th, and check out my wardrobe. I celebrated with a cup of Earl Grey and a heart-shaped choc from the House of Dorchester selection – well, it needed finishing off.

Here is the list of all the nominees.

I’ll be at the Coffee & Cake Morning on Saturday 9th, reading from the book with authors including Miranda Dickinson and Hazel Osmond. I think there are a few tickets left but last year it sold out.

Back to editing now. And no more chocs if I’m to fit into the dress. 🙂

Posted by Phillipa @ 3:57 am | 2 Comments

It’s nothing personal…

October 4, 2013

wadham boathouses

So, it’s me, six weeks since I last blogged. No excuses, because let’s face it, I’ve been spending my time on other things as this frantic, rollercoaster year continues:

1. Bear watching on Vancouver Island Canada
2. Going to the Belgian Grand Prix & Ghent with Mr B
3. Helping Ms B move into and furnish her first real ‘home’ – a rental flat
4. Launching a book under a pen name
5. Writing another book under another pen name
6. Hanging out on Twitter and Facebook
7. Still not being able to share my new publishing news

Talli Roland
has a post today about blogs not containing the personal and daily life details they used to – I think this is true and one reason is, that people now find social media a much faster, more interactive way to share their latest news. Blogs and websites, by their nature, have become places for information on an author’s books. By the time I’ve done the odd blog post for book and author blogs, read other people’s blog posts, I only have time for my own work

So taking a leaf out of Talli’s book, here’s a few of the things I’ve been up to.

Birthday dinner in Sardinia

Birthday dinner in Sardinia

Black bear in Tofino, Vancouver Island

Black bear in Tofino, Vancouver Island

Seals on Vancouver Island

Seals on Vancouver Island

Posted by Phillipa @ 3:24 am | 4 Comments

Win a Kindle voucher for It Happened One Night – and exciting news (on the way, I hope)

August 21, 2013


Ouch. My poor blog: it’s been so long since I posted that I had to fight my way through the cobwebs before I could even log in. I can’t use the excuse that nothing has been happening, either – because in my personal and writing life, the past few months have been some of the most exciting for a very long time.

In fact, one reason the blog has been so quiet is that a – I’ve been incredibly busy writing to meet a deadline and b – I was hoping to be able to reveal more about the project at any moment. However, like most things in publishing, the saga has rumbled on and on – then the summer holidays have come. Everything has been delayed so for now, I can only say that I *hope* to be able to share my news soon. I think I might go pop if I can’t.:)

Over the summer, some family members have celebrated ‘special’ birthdays this year so we’ve been on our travels including a surprise visit to Sardinia which was unspoiled and wonderful. Definitely inspiration for a novel.


Today, I’m talking about holidaying closer to home as part of Dizzy C’s Summer Fun season and you can win a Kindle voucher for It Happened One Night.

Meanwhile, cheers!


Posted by Phillipa @ 2:52 am | Comments are off
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