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Poldark, a LoveFest and two books written

November 3, 2015

Aidan Turner shooting Poldark in Cornwall, October 2015

Aidan Turner shooting Poldark in Cornwall, October 2015

Morning everyone, from a very grey and gloomy middle of England. I notice that my last post was July 3rd – OMG, that’s four months ago.

So, what have I been doing over the summer?

Quite a lot actually. 🙂

1. I finished TWO books – yay!! – both contemporary romances so look out for publication details on my Twitter, Facebook and Instagram feeds. Writing two at once has been interesting – the downside is you feel as if neither of them will ever be completed. The upside is that you gain fresh ideas for one wip while working on the other.

2. Yes, I finally joined Instagram which was instantly addictive. Good job I didn’t join until I’d finished my books. You can find me there as @phillipa.ashleyauthor

3. I’ve been to Cornwall three times as research for one of my books – yes, surprise, the new book is set in Cornwall.

The stunning Minack theatre near Land's End, Cornwall.

The stunning Minack theatre near Land’s End, Cornwall.

4. While in Cornwall in early September, we came across the crew of the BBC Poldark series building the set – and when we went back 4 weeks later, we happened to see Aidan Turner actually shooting scenes at Charlestown. By now, you might have guessed that the Cornish setting of Poldark has inspired one of my new books – but more on that story later. Hopefully I’ll be keeping up the blog more regularly from now on.

So I call that a summer well spent. 🙂

The thing is that while writers need to do enormous amounts of promotion and social media these days, this author also needed to WRITE. I lost my mojo for a while at the start of the year and then we had an unexpected and very sad family event, but I’m back now, loving my work again.

Thanks for your patience,

Phillipa xx

PS I’m taking part in the Harper Collins BFI LoveFest but I’ll post about that next week.

Posted by Phillipa @ 4:55 am | 1 Comment

New covers – new books.

July 3, 2015

PhillipaAshley_Covers-page-0 (2)

How long has it been since I last blogged? Um, let’s not think about it and whizz onto the good news.

I’ve been writing two Phillipa Ashley books since the start of the year which means that, fingers crossed, at least one of them will appear by the end of the year! It’s also been a difficult time, family-wise, but I’ve managed to carry on writing when I could and my work has been a comfort and solace to me.

I’m so glad the warm weather is here properly – and on that note, I’ve also got some exciting news about my US editions. Sourcebooks have given the covers a delicious summery feel and I have to say they’re my favourite covers ever.

I’ll be back when I have definite news about new books. Have a great summer.


Posted by Phillipa @ 3:47 am | 6 Comments

Budding writers: bid to have your work critiqued by me

February 26, 2015

As part of CLIC Sargent’s yearly eBay Get in Character auction, I’ll be offering the highest bidder the chance to have three chapters and a synopsis (or 3,000 words) critiqued. There are over 60 best-selling authors taking part in the auction either offering critiques or the chance for you to appear as a named character in a forthcoming book. We’re all taking part to help raise vital funds for children and young people with cancer so please get bidding from 8pm 26th Feb – that’s tonight!

Get bidding!

I’m honoured and delighted to have been asked to take part – last year, the Get in Character auction raised £3,500 to help CLIC Sargent provide clinical, practical and emotional support to children, young people with cancer and their families. Help us beat that amount so that we can help more children!

Best–selling writer and former SAS Sergeant Andy McNab said: “I’m thrilled to be taking part in Get in Character again this year and helping raise money for CLIC Sargent.

“In 2014 the auction to be named in my book The New Enemy raised an incredible £500, so I jumped at the chance to be involved again.

“It’s a fantastic opportunity for booklovers to make their mark on a book, and something they can be proud of.”

The auction is happening from 8pm on Thursday 26 February 2015 until 8pm on Sunday 8 March 2015.

Visit HERE to find out how to bid and more.

Posted by Phillipa @ 4:38 am | Comments are off

What’s truly shocking about 50 Shades of Grey

February 23, 2015

So, I finally saw it – the movie that has shocked the world.

Clad in Yoda style robes, we skulked into an early evening showing of Fifty Shades of Grey last Saturday night.

Far from the expected hordes of women fighting in the aisles, screaming and giggling – and worse – the screen was about half full, almost exclusively with couples of all ages, from twenties to sixties. None of them were in bondage gear so our Yoda cloaks were possibly a mistake.

So far, so shocking, eh? Adult couples want to see a racy film. How dreadful. The world will end (apparently, according to this Vulture review, in some parts of the US, folk were possibly expecting that to happen.)

I nearly had heart failure when a member of the Odeon staff questioned every member of the audience just before the movie started. I thought he was going to take names and report us to the council or add us to some kind of list of Undesirables or the Feeble Minded. But no… he only wanted to sell us a tub of Ben & Jerry’s.


We were safe. For now. Because at any moment, I expected the Thought Police to burst into that cinema, to snatch pictures of us for their Twitter feed. So I spent the film in a high state of alertness and tension (especially as I’d consumed three large cups of coffee that afternoon and continually needed a pee but was too afraid to miss anything.)

Then – Oh. My. God. The lights went down. I gripped the arms of my chair. My husband slowly licked the final creamy drop of Ben & Jerry’s from the spoon and moaned in ecstasy. I let out a great juddering breath and IT started.

And I was shocked. Truly shocked and astonished… for these reasons:

1. I’ve been very nervous and wary about posting this piece – and then angry and ashamed with myself that I felt intimidated into NOT posting about it sooner. Ditto posting about IT on Facebook and Twitter where the slightest reference to the film or books is likely to attract a storm of bitter protest, outrage and sarcasm.

3. This film is so not that shocking. The BDSM scenes are pretty tame, IMO, by BDSM romance novel standards. Peacock feathers? Ice cubes? A bit of slap and tickle? The final scene is a teeny-weeny bit shocking but – hell – it’s meant to be. Then again, I’m way more shocked by the glorification of violence in many action thrillers, TV series and horror movies.

4. One of the most shocking things about this whole FSOG thing is the bullying, intimidation, shaming and general ridicule heaped on those thousands – possibly millions – of people who did read the books, enjoyed them and wanted to see the film. Given that a huge proportion of those people are women and that many aren’t habitual readers or movie goers, I can’t help have the suspicion that mass sexism and intellectual snobbery have been at play. Some of these comments, especially in the media – and from PC, ‘right on’ media and commenters – have been acccompanied by sly references to the size, age and sex of the people watching the films and reading the books. Now, that is genuinely disgusting, IMO.

5. Plus this the real kicker – I was disappointed and shocked because I found out that – THIS MOVIE IS NOT REAL. The people don’t exist -this is FICTION. Christian and Anna aren’t out there, flying gliders and having their (sickeningly gorgeous) bottoms flogged. After this discovery (because apparently people who read the books and see the film can’t tell fact from fantasy) I’m in counselling now but have been comforted by this review by Heidi Rice, former newspaper film critic and best selling romance author. Equally I recommend this post by NYT best seller Jennifer Probst.

6. Now for the final shocking aspect of 50 shades of Grey, and the one which truly astonished me. Having been made to feel embarrassed to even set foot in the cinema, and expecting a movie of such utter brain shrivelling drivel, that my husband would divorce me for taking him, I actually rather liked it. No, that’s a lie. I really enjoyed it. It’s not the greatest movie but I thought it was beautifully shot, that Dakota Johnson was excellent and I will definitely get the DVD and see the sequel.

If I’m allowed to, that is. Because any moment now, I’m expecting the Apocalypse or to be flamed and shamed on Twitter. Or unfriended by that woman on Fb who said she was glad she lived in a repressive state where the film was banned.


Posted by Phillipa @ 6:58 am | 2 Comments

Meet me at ‘A Passion for Books’ on Feb 12

February 11, 2015

waterstones poster

Just a reminder that tomorrow, Thursday February 12th at 7pm, I’ll be at Waterstones Stafford hosting a Passion for Books event. The poster in the window has been designed by the talented Mike from the branch.

I’ll be talking about romantic fiction, chatting with booklovers about their favourite romantic reads over a glass of wine and signing copies of the new series. There are also couple of romantic book themed goody bags to be won too.

Call Waterstones Stafford on 01785 222212 for more information.

Romantic read leaflet (2)

Posted by Phillipa @ 4:38 am | 1 Comment
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