February 5, 2015

I LOVE February! The spring bulbs are poking through the soil, I have two family birthdays to celebrate and it’s Valentine’s Day. There may also be a certain steamy movie out and yes, *of course* I’ll be going to see it – with my husband too. 🙂
But the best thing about February is that I have two events planned – one online and one a Real Life event in a bookshop.
This Saturday I’m delighted to be taking part in a huge Online Romance Festival @romancefestival with dozens of romance authors.
I’ll be answering Qs on the ‘Challenges of writing steamy scenes’ on Saturday 7th at 4.30pm GMT On the Romance Festival Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/romancefestival
So if you’ve ever fancied writing a steamy romance and want some tips or have questions about the Oxford Blue series or my other books, this is your chance.
Next week on February 12th, the lovely book folk of Waterstones Stafford have invited me to host their Passionate About Books event. I’ll be chatting with booklovers about their favourite romantic readers over a glass of wine and signing copies of the new series.
Tickers are free – call Waterstones Stafford on 01785 222212 for more information.
Posted by Phillipa @ 4:11 am |
January 7, 2015

Happy new year everyone! How would you like to win paperback copies of Second Time I Saw You AND Third Time Lucky? I’ll even sign them for you.
All you have to do is post the name or a picture of who YOU would cast as Lauren or Alexander in a movie/TV series of the book on my Facebook page or to my Twitter account @PippaCroftBooks.
I’ll gather all the names and pick one at 8pm on Monday January 12th.
Contest is to UK addresses only.
Posted by Phillipa @ 8:46 am |
January 1, 2015

The author in pensive mood on New Year’s Eve with a balloon growing out of her head.
Happy 2015, everyone! I’ve survived the party night of the year. I was going to do a look back at the past year and write about my plans for this one but I’ve been getting so many messages about where to get Books 2 and 3 in the Oxford Blue series that I’m making this post about stockists.
First, a HUGE JUICY ‘Thank you’ to everyone who’ve been buying their First Time We Met e book or paperbacks from ‘the shops’ – WH Smith, Tesco and some independent bookshops.
So, you want Second Time and Third Time?
For UK readers, the good news is you can order them from any real or online book store such as Amazon, WH Smith, Tesco Online or Waterstones.
Outside of the Uk, you may see the book in your local store and you can order or download it from just about anywhere.
If you have any trouble, contact me on Facebook, Twitter or through this site.
Now – back to work because I have finally started writing two new projects. A novella first (and I can’t say what but I’ll leave it to your imagination.)
Most importantly, I wish you health, happiness in 2015 and may your dreams and hopes come true.
Posted by Phillipa @ 8:08 am |
December 14, 2014

The Oxford Blue series ready to go
“There’s a greatness to your lateness, Pippa…”
You know when you’ve planned an important one-off Book Launch to the last detail? When you think you have everything under control and a contingency plan? When you’ve fretted for weeks that people won’t turn up?
The one thing you haven’t factored in is that YOU might not turn up!
Well, THAT.
The Launch Party for the Oxford Blues series was last Tuesday – the reason I haven’t blogged about it is because we headed off to Bruges immediately afterwards for some R&R.
The launch party was held at the fabulous Goldsboro Books in Covent Garden. This famous bookstore specialises in signed first editions, including some by Agatha Christie, JK Rowling and Daphne Du Maurier. To have my launch in that setting was beyond all my expectations.
Penguin Books supported the event – hurrah – and Alex Clarke and Katie Sheldrake came along to celebrate with me. Thanks to them for waiting while I made my – um – fashionably late entrance!!! Thank goodness, Alex is gracious and generously made a joke of my arrival (see above.)

With the lovely Alex from Penguin.
Now, I am a self-confessed control freak. I turn in books early and usually, I’m too early for things but for the biggest night of my career? Due to a motorway Armageddon, I managed to be 45 minutes late to my own launch 🙁
But I’m not going to dwell on that now, just post some pictures and thank everyone who made the effort to come and celebrate the launch and my 10 years as a writer. Big hugs go to my family, to my college and C19 friends, to my RNA author buddies and fabulous book bloggers including Kim Nash, Sophie from Reviewed the Book, Best Chick Lit and Ann’s Book Corner.

Author, Alison Sherlock.

Jules Wake, Ian Skillicorn and Donna Ashcroft.

Book blogger, Ann.
Finally to my agent, Broo and David from Goldsboro Books, thank you for the amazing venue. 🙂

Posted by Phillipa @ 8:02 am |
December 2, 2014

OK. So how would you like to attend a London book launch with readers, authors, book bloggers and publishing people? And drink wine and help me celebrate TEN years of writing fiction?
Next Tuesday December 9th is the launch party for the Oxford Blue series. The event takes place at a secret bookshop venue near Covent Garden from 6.30pm.
I’ll be signing books and chatting to readers and I’d love to see you there.
If you want an invitation and more details of where, Tweet me @PippaCroftBooks or @PhillipaAshley or email me through this website HERE.
Now, I’m off for a run to see if I can lose a few pounds to try and squeeze into my outfit. Then I’m making themed cupcakes to put all the weight back on. 🙂
Posted by Phillipa @ 8:51 am |