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Lantern Parade

November 27, 2006

Have just got back from a relaxing weekend in the Lakes. We went to the Ambleside Lantern Parade and The Ulverston Dickensian Festival. We ended up in a cafe having lunch next to Gerald Dickens, great-great-grandson of the man himself. Will post a pic when camera connected to PC.

Also saw Casino Royale. OMG Daniel Craig. OMG A knotted rope and a chair. Ohhhh…errrr.

Besides that, I just dropped by the blog of Nell Dixon, whom I have met in the flesh three times (consuming lemon meringue pie on one occasion). I also follow her exploits in cyberland. I wish I could be like Nell. A Good Person, always enthusiastic about writing and doing a tough day job I envy and admire greatly because it helps people.

Posted by Phillipa @ 2:22 pm | Leave a Comment


  1. Duckface Says:

    Hey Pip
    and welcome back. Am absolutely desperado to see the new Bond Film but have not had a minute between moving house and work trips …

    Can you please confirm that he does indeed possess thighs that could crack walnuts !! I think we need to know !!
    DF x

  2. Charlotte Says:

    DF, he does indeed!

    Even the bad guy is moved to pass comment on his buffness.

  3. Phillipa Says:

    DF, CJ – he certainly seems to have a very broad appeal ‘Lush’, ‘Utterly Lustworthy’ and ‘Fit as a Butcher’s Dog’ are just three comments I’ve heard by email from a variety of female friends… and yet he is blond! Those eyes though…

  4. Jude Says:

    I love your blog and website – but I LOVED your book even more! I still squeeze it regularly as I pass by the shelf.
    Hope this wee note finds you well – did you ever do a launch at Borders in Edinburgh??
    Love the past times picture – I love anything with bloomers. Makes me yearn to sit down with half a packet of biscuits and a Catherine Cookson vid – easily pleased moi?
    I’m so glad to find you here, well and drooling over Bond.

  5. Phillipa Says:


    Great to see you on here and thanks for buying Decent Exposure. I make no links that from that to Daniel Craig tied to a chair. (whistles innocently)

  6. Duckface Says:

    I just have to see this film … just cannot get 5 minutes. Am determined by the weekend. I feel like the only one who has not seen it or DC’s thighs …

    welcome back Charlotte …. 😉

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