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A makeover for your Edward, Jacob – or John?

July 15, 2010

Ms B and I were giggling over two posters in the window of Claire’s Accessories on Saturday. They featured two Twilight themed ‘looks’ that were designed to attract either Edward or Jacob (or maybe both!) I haven’t read the Twilight books yet, though I’ve seen the first movie. Ms B has read and seen them all.

This look, according to Claire’s, would appeal to Edward.

A new look for the Jacob fans.

It left me wondering what type of makeover would appeal to some other fictional heroes. John Thornton, for instance. Maybe you’d need a naive social conscience, something to cure your chronically sweaty palms (the real reason she refused to shake his hand) and a Victorian cleavage of Jordanesque proportions? (I’ve been trying to find a picture of Daniela Denby Ashe in *that* gorgeous dinner party dress. No wonder Mr Thornton seemed aloof, he was dumbstruck.)

How might you attract Mr Darcy? You’d definitely need fake tan (a natural consequence of your travelling in the summer,) 1000 calorie mascara (to enhance your fine eyes) and a realisation that you’d be willing to put up with a great deal to be Mistress of Pemberley.

Yes, I’m being very silly. Call it distraction therapy. 😉

You can read the feature on Sugarscope here.

I dunno. What would attract *your* hero?

Posted by Phillipa @ 4:47 am | Leave a Comment


  1. liz Says:

    Actually silly it may be but it is a good question – what in your heroine attracts your hero??? Thus far I have stuck with the female point of view so I haven’t actually given it much thought…but I should.


  2. Phillipa Says:

    Yes, I could spend all day thinking of what kind of ‘makeover’ attracts my heroes to the heroine. I suppose for makeover, read Character Journey!

    But even if you use female POV, Liz, I’m sure you do know what it is that attracts the hero to her. 🙂

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