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July 16, 2010

Woke up this morning to a howling gale and an email from Sourcebooks to say, ‘Yay! Here’s the full jacket of Dating Mr December.’

I’ve seen the front cover but never the Full Monty so here it is. It was a PDF so Ms Bennet (who’s here for the weekend, double yay) turned it into a png for me.

Its very different to the original artwork cover for Decent Exposure which was great fun. Although I’ll never forget the shock when I first saw it and thought: “OMG, there’s a naked man on the cover.” Naively, as a first-time author, it had never occurred to me that if you write a book based on a nude calendar, the designers might just pick up on that theme. In fact, I still hadn’t come to terms with writing romance at all but I’m gradually getting there.

So it’s fascinating to me to see the wildly different takes on the same book. I confess that this photographic cover just has the edge for me.

Still, neither of the covers are pink and fluffy which should please a certain person. OTOH, they do feature half naked men. Oh dear. I fear I am beyond redemption and will probably burst into flames any moment now!

I hear some authors complaining that their covers are too fluffy and girly, when, in fact, they write serious women’s fiction. This is misleading the reader and I understand where they’re coming from. I however, can’t complain because my books are sexy, fun, upbeat – and (gulp) romantic – and I think this cover reflects just that.

Posted by Phillipa @ 6:16 am | Leave a Comment


  1. Debs Says:

    I love that cover and am not surprised you do too, it’s fabulous.

  2. Nell Dixon Says:

    It’s a gorgeous cover!

  3. Phillipa Says:

    Thanks Debs & Nell.

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