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Rock ‘n roll! My Blog Tour dates

September 28, 2010

Five weeks to go until launch day and I’ve got my Blog Tour Dates. All I need now are some groupies, dodgy stimulants and a TV to throw out of the window. 🙂

Here are the some of blogs that will be featuring Dating Mr December and some will also be hosting contests and giveaways (for US and Canadian address only).

I’ll also be running a contest on this blog with signed copies open to everyone – as a thank you to my amazing existing readers.

I’ll probably need a holiday afer this – but isn’t it exciting?

11/2 – http://luxuryreading.com/

11/4 – http://myoverstuffedbookshelf.blogspot.com/

11/5 – http://casablancaauthors.blogspot.com/

11/8 – http://dearauthor.com/

GUEST BLOG—First Sale Feature.

11/10 – http://seriouslyinterviewed.blogspot.com/

11/12 -http://sizzlinghotbooks.blogspot.com/

11/16 – http://www.loveromancepassion.com/

11/17 – Borders True Romance – including giveaway of 5 copies (US and Canadian addresses only).

11/18 – http://www.nightowlromance.com

11/22 – http://freshfiction.com/

11/24 – http://romancefiction.suite101.com/

11/29 – http://book-chic.blogspot.com/

11/30 – http://www.romancejunkies.com/rjblog

12/1 – http://www.betweenthelinesandmore.blogspot.com/

12/3 – http://lauragerold.blogspot.com/

And there will be more! I’ll post all the dates and links on the blog as each one comes up. Thanks to all the blogs who have offered to host interviews, giveaways etc and to Danielle from Sourcebooks for arranging the tour. She is a star!

Posted by Phillipa @ 5:30 pm | Leave a Comment


  1. Coffee and a Book Chick Says:

    Sounds like fun!!

  2. Rachel Lyndhurst Says:

    Goodness,Phillipa, you are going to need a bit of a holiday after this lot!

    It’s brilliantly exciting though and lots of lovely new blogs to explore.

    Apologies to the ironing pile!

    Lots of love,


  3. Phillipa Says:

    CABC – should be great fun, getting to know all those new book lovers.

    Rachel – I told you I was going to be busy and this is just the half of it. Whew.

  4. Christina Phillips Says:

    Wow Phillipa, looks like an awesome tour. You will definitely need a holiday afterwards!! 🙂

  5. Phillipa Says:

    You can say that again!

  6. Debs Says:

    So exciting, I can’t wait to visit these new blogs.

  7. Phillipa Says:

    It’s a whole new world!
    I’m loving doing my research by reading them, each blog has its own individual style and they’re so professionally run… just like Novelicious. 🙂

    Some very interesting questions and themes too.

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