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Second Time I Saw You – now on NetGalley

April 29, 2014

Second time I saw you

If you’re a book blogger or reviewer, The Second Time I Saw You is now available for review on NetGalley. I cannot believe it’s only three weeks to go until publication of the ebook on May 22nd. SO many people have asked me when the ARCs will be available so there you go!

Right now, I’m writing the last chapters of Third Time Lucky – #Book3 in the Oxford Blue series and gearing up for a manic but very exciting May.

My daughter has her graduation ceremony on May 17th, and I’m also off to visit the Penguins to discuss launch plans for the paperbacks of the series. So… deep breath, I will have an actual book on actual store shelves, something I’d almost given up ever seeing again this time last year. The moral is: never give up!

It’s also Black Country Big Book Fortnight next month and on on May 20th, I’m giving a free talk with Nell Dixon and Liz Hanbury at Wednesbury Library – details HERE.

May 22nd is Publication Day – and I’m going to the RNA Party to celebrate. More on that story later, because it’s the presentation of the Joan Hessayon NWS Award which holds special memories for me and for all the wonderful shortlisted RNA authors – I’ll do a post about it closer to the date.

After that, there’s going to be a blog tour and a Facebook Launch party ongoing for two weeks, with chances to win Kindle vouchers for Second Time I Saw You and signed postcards.

More news on all of these events soon – but please also follow me on Twitter @PippaCroftBooks and visit my Facebook pages for the latest news because I just can’t get to the blog as often as I want to these days.

Have a happy May Bank Holiday, if you get one!

P xx

Posted by Phillipa @ 5:13 am | Leave a Comment


  1. Elise Says:

    I’m counting down the days until I can download it to my Kindle. I thoroughly enjoyed the first book. Right now I’m left quite indignant on Lauren Cusack’s behalf lol, but I look forward to seeing what character arcs you have in store for Lauren and Alexander. I hope this book series is a big success for you.

  2. Phillipa Says:

    Elise – thanks so much for reading it and the good wishes – I hope you’ve managed to get hold of Second Time and are enjoying it… Alexander is infuriatingly gorgeous, isn’t he?

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